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What are dishes with a cute design and easy to use? Asako Yamaguchi's dishes


What are dishes with a cute design and easy to use? Asako Yamaguchi's dishes

What are dishes with a cute design and easy to use? Asako Yamaguchi's dishes

The dishes that are carefully designed are easy to use. What are dishes with a cute design and easy to use? 

I will introduce some of my recommendations for Asako Yamaguchi's pottery.

1 Cute design

Of course, the first thing is that the design is cute But there are other things as well

2 The traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics

3 Not too thick

4. Easy-to-use size

5 A little depth (to hold soupy food)

6 Cute when you put food in it

7 The shape of the vessel is not only round

1 The traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics

The design drawings are so cute. Strawberries and cats are very cute on Asako Yamaguchi's vessels.

There are also a lot of animals depicted. I love animals, and as I have a cat, I especially love cat bowls.

Floral patterns are also used extensively. I highly recommend this for those who, like me, love strawberries, animals, and flowers.

2 Kacho Fugetsu (the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics)

Asako Yamaguchi's pottery may seem modern in design, but the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics (Kacho-fu-gets) have been a motif of Japanese painting since ancient times.

The colors are as vivid as a kimono and have a very traditional Japanese beauty.

In both Europe and Japan, the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics have long been popular in paintings, lamps, tableware, curtains, furniture, and more.

It would be a good idea to be aware of this when selecting tableware.


3 Not too thick

Not too thick. This is a very important part for me.

I like thin dishes very much, and their thinness gives me pleasure when I use them because of their touch, feel, and appearance when I touch them to my mouth (cups, etc.).

However, thin vessels tend to crack easily and often do not last long. If used daily, it will crack and become useless in about a year at most.

Asako Yamaguchi's dishes are moderately thin and not so thin that I hesitate to use them for fear of cracks.

When choosing dishes, it would be good to be conscious of their thickness first.

4 Relatively large dishes

I like large dishes. If the dishes are too small, the food does not look good because we can't see the margins and patterns when we put food in them.

Also, a large bowl can hold several side dishes, so fewer dishes need to be washed.

 Also, I eat a lot of vegetables on a diet, so I like large plates that can hold a lot of vegetables. 

Asako Yamaguchi's dishes are thin, so they are not heavy and easy to use even if they are large.

If the dishes are too heavy, I feel uncomfortable when I hold them, and I don't use them very often.

Choose thin, large dishes that are easy to use in everyday life.

5 A little deep (can hold soupy food)

Whether it is a small or large dish, if it is a little deep, it is easier to put food in it.

If a large dish is deep enough, it can hold food with juice, such as pasta with lots of vegetables, salad, stir-fried vegetables, etc.

When putting food in the refrigerator and on the table, if the dishes are deep, you can put plenty of food in them without taking up too much space.

Asako Yamaguchi's tableware has larger dishes that are a little deep and can hold juices, which I especially like and use often.

The thin, large, and deep dishes are often a bit more expensive, but they are reasonable and can be used often.

6 Cute when you put food in the dishes

Even if the design is cute, it would be a shame if the picture or dish design is hidden when you put food in the dishes.

Asako Yamaguchi's dishes often have designs to the rim, so we can enjoy the cute and lovely designs even when we are eating our food.

 When selecting dishes, please imagine what it will be good when you put food in them.

Even simple, under-colored food will taste better when placed on cute tableware.

7 The shape of the dishes is not only round

Not only pictures, but also cute shapes of dishes, such as heart-shaped, flower-shaped, and so on.

If the shape is only round, the design will look simple, but if the dishes are heart-shaped or flower-shaped, the cute design dishes will look more decorative.

Tableware that is not only round adds color to our lives.

I am sure there are many more charms that I have not fully explained, but these are my main recommendations. I hope you will find tableware with cute designs and easy to use, keeping the above points in mind.


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