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わびさびと絢爛 aesthetic sense and gorgeous in Japnese pottery


わびさびと絢爛 aesthetic sense and gorgeous in Japnese pottery

I read “驚くべき日本美術” written by Yuji Yamashita* and Mari Hashimoto. The book is written about Japanese art.


Yuji Yamashita is an art historian, and a professor at the Department of Art, School of Literature, Meiji Gakuin University. He is also leading person of the Japan Art study.


Yuji Yamashita said at Japanese art history the works are aesthetic sense (わびさび) or gorgeous (絢爛) in the book. I think Japanese potterys also have aesthetic sense or gorgeous. 


aesthetic sensegorgeous

gorgeous (絢爛)


In the book Yamashita said Japanese potterys can understand that goodness if we touch and use potterys!! Tanaka Chōjirō (1516-1592) -distinguished as the first generation in the Raku family line of potters made tea cup like form of the hand.


*Yuji Yamashita

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